Diane Cunningham is a curriculum architect - an
instructional designer/curriculum developer and technical trainer.
She used to teach a wide variety of courses she designed and developed for the University of California at San
Diego (UCSD). She was awarded UCSD Extension Outstanding
Instructor for 1999.
She is currently serving as the
"Virtual Dean of Students" for Presenters
University, a free on-line resource sponsored by Infocus (previously Proxima
She used to teach graduate level courses
for National University and she is still thrilled with completing one of the first nationally accrediated Web enabled
Internet Designed, Developed and Delivered Global
Studies Bachelor of Arts degree for National University.
Diane Cunningham, president of D
& D Enterprises is an instructional designer, curriculum
developer, graduate school instructor and technical trainer. She
currently teaches a wide variety of courses she designs
and develops for a wide variety of public and
private clients including:
The University of California at
San Diego (UCSD)
UCSD Office of Continuing
Medical Education
Diane also delivers a variety of Palm
Pilot training: from Palm
medical information seminars to in-depth hands-on courses
varying in length from three to eight
hours in locations ranging from hotel conference rooms to
fully equipped computer classrooms! Audiences range from
Physicians to the new Palm owner who wants to become a Power
Diane Cunningham loves to travel
and speak and is a repeat presenter/speaker/teacher/trainer for such
organizations as:
Internet Research
FrontPage & Web Design
Computers and the Internet
Other Professional Societies and
FrontPage & Web Design
Computers and the Internet
If you are interested in having Diane speak to
your organization, or at your conference, call D & D
Enterprises at (858) 486-9909 or send her an e-mail at diane@technoweenies.com!!

The UCSD Extension -- Information
Technologies Graphics and Digital Design Internet and World Wide
Web Courses:
Courses Developed and Taught:
Becoming a Palm Power User:
Mastering Your PDA
Publishing I: Introduction to HTML
and Web Publishing Process
Publishing II: Adding Interactivity
and Design Improvement
Publishing III: Site Design and
to Web Publishing
Adobe GoLive
Microsoft PowerPoint
Information Architecture for
the Web
Editors and Tools
Internet I & II
Internet Intensive
Internet Essentials
Mastering the Microsoft Internet Explorer
Internet E-Mail Using Eudora
Call the Information Technologies
department at (858) 534-5756 for more information or a brochure!

An Intensive Hand-on three day
seminar entitled,
Training for Physicians"
A one day Palm
Pilot workshop
Two Intensive Hand-on two
day seminars
Windows and Office
Advanced Computer Training for Physicians and
Internet and Research
Advanced Computer Training for Physicians
Call the UCSD Office of
Continuing Medical Education at (858) 534-3940 for more
information or a brochure!